Injectable fillers, also known as dermal fillers, are an excellent non-surgical option for treating wrinkles and folds and enhancing the contours of the face. There is a common misconception that fillers can make someone look overdone and unnatural, however, with the aesthetic placement of an appropriate type and amount of filler, a beautiful and youthful appearance can be achieved. Non-surgical rejuvenation has evolved over time. There are many new techniques and safe types of fillers available for use. Fillers are used to replace volume in areas that are hollow and flat, to provide beautiful facial contouring and to lift and smooth the skin. To optimize safety, treatments should be performed by someone with appropriate training and knowledge of facial anatomy. Men and women can restore the youthful harmony of their faces by getting injectable facial fillers in Vancouver and Richmond.
The most common facial fillers are comprised of hyaluronic acid (HA) which is something found naturally in our body. HA is a natural component in our bodies, as part of the extracellular matrix, that provides structural and biochemical support to the cells in our body. It is important component of skin and cartilage. HA are hydrophilic, meaning they absorb water. This results in hydration of the skin, if HA is injected in the appropriate skin level. Hydrating of the skin can help to smooth the skin. HA fillers are not permanent and can last for up to 8-12 months, depending on the type of filler and location placed.